We believe that food is medicine when used functionally, and when you eat, we want our food to nourish and heal your body. We want you to live a healthy lifestyle with the world’s most nutritionally dense and powerful superfoods, potent proteins, and potent plants.Β 

Our mission is to discover these potent food sources from ancient traditional medicinal systems, long forgotten by western medicine, and bring them from their origin to your table. It is through our passion for - and knowledge of these healing powerful plants that we introduce to you the world of functional nutrition.Β 

Certified Organic superfoods contain significantly higher quantities of antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and other health-boosting, anti-ageing, disease-fighting properties that commercially grown whole foods lack. They also contain broad-spectrum phytonutrients and complete proteins, with some even containing over 90 vitamins and minerals per serving!


Health is not about restrictions and limitations with fad diets and miracle pills - it’s about finding a connection with your body through food. Being healthy should be enjoyed, it should be felt and should undoubtedly taste good!

We have a range of (super)foods that will help you on your journey to regain back your health and reclaim your health sovereignty.Β 

If you don’t know where to start, we recommend starting with mixes and blends and eventually building your way up to our potent plant collection.

Have a look at our ranges below to find your superfood, wherever you may be along your path to health:Β 



We’ve created our mixes keeping in mind that taste is what motivates our minds to become healthier and it inspires us to keep going even when the initial transition is challenging, coming off of empty food calories and junk food.

If you’re starting your health journey or you’re trying to get your little ones into good wholesome eating habits, then these are for you!

They build up your foundation of health, they’re versatile to use, affordable and taste great!


Did you know Cacao, in its raw form, is a very unique superfood dense with nutrients! It also has this very unique ability to make nutrients of other foods more bioavailable. It acts as a delivery vehicle, that transports more nutrients deep into your cells for better absorption. And since it also tastes rich and delicious, its flavour is superb for masking bitter and unpleasant tastes.

What better way to eat your vitamins and minerals, than through chocolate? Our medicinal superfood raw chocolates have that decadent dark chocolate taste, that so elegantly masks its medicinal superherbs (which balances and restores the body with its essential nutrients).

So you get all benefits from the medicinal superherbs whilst enjoying eating your chocolate.Β 

These truly are guilt-free chocolates, they don’t have sugars in & they nourish your body.


Our single ingredient superfoods are for more targeted nutritional needs. We have a variety of the world’s most nutrient-dense whole foods in easy-to-keep powder form.

Ancient medicinal systems recognize these select superfoods for their nourishing abilities and healing properties, and their exceptional nutrient density is far beyond that of conventional foods.

These superfoods are essential for daily use to boost the nutritional value of your meals. They can be added to hot drinks or smoothies, made into sauces, added to salads or blended into other ingredients. They seamlessly accompany your daily meals and rituals for more targeted nutrition.


They’re not a supplement, but they’re not a medicine … they’re something in between.Β 

Our potent plants are what we call functional foods, that can be used for their medicinal properties to treat nutrient deficiencies or bodily symptoms or can be taken as broad-spectrum wholefood nutritional support for optimizing your overall health and wellness.

Instead of using isolate supplements, that often cause absorption issues, we recommend trying this range of wholefood plant powders for your supplementation needs.



Husband and wife Peter and Beryn Daniel are the founders of Soaring Free and the guardians of the company’s sacred flame. Chefs with a passion for healthy living, they founded Soaring Free Superfoods in 2006 to show more people just how delicious healthy natural food can taste. As well as how great it can feel to the body, to be nurtured by nature.Β 

They believe that food and health cannot be separated and that it’s important to be able to create plant-based dishes that inspire the senses and the cells.Β